Hindu Baby Girl Names Starting With K | Unique Modern Indian Names
Hindu Baby girl names starting with "K" (Unique Indian Baby Names), provides modern hindu baby names for girls and top trending indian names with starting letter "K". Type your "starting letter" or "meaning" in the search box to get filtered answers. As name plays a vital role in everyone's life it is important to select the right name for your child. Let's ekname.
Hindu Baby Girl Names With "K"
Name | Meaning |
Kaamil | Perfect |
KaarKulali | With Beautiful Black Hair |
Kaashwi | Unique |
Kaasni | Flower |
Kaberi | Full of water, Harlot |
Kadali | The banana tree |
Kadamba | Group, The Kadamba tree |
Kadambaki | Flower of kadamba |
Kadambari | Coming from the kadamba tree, Female cuckoo |
Kadambini | A garland of clouds, A daughter of taksaka |
Kahala | Mischievous, a young woman |
Kahini | Mischievous, young |
Kahlima | The goddess form Kali Ma |
Kaikasi | Growing plants in water, Vertebra |
Kailesvari | Goddess of water, The family goddess |
Kairavi | Moonlight |
Kaivya | Knowledge of poet |
Kajal | Kohl, Collyrium |
Kajjali | Collyrium |
Kajri | Collyrium coloured, cloud like |
Kakali | Voice of the cuckoo, A musical instrument |
Kakasya | Crow faced, A Buddhist goddess |
Kakati | Cawing like a crow, A tutelary goddess form of durga |
Kaki | Female crow |
Kakoli | Preaching of birds |
Kaksha | White Rose |
Kaksi | Of jungle, Perfume |
Kakubha | Peak, Summit |
Kakudmi | Mountain daughter, A river |
Kala | Art |
KalaiAmudham | Artistic Wealth |
KalaiKadhir | Artistic |
KalaiMalar | Artistic |
KalaiMoli | Language of the Arts |
KalaiPoonga | Possessing many Artistic Skills |
KalaiSelvi | Artistic Girl |
KalaiSudar | Artistic |
KalaiVaani | Goddess of Arts, Goddess Saraswathi |
Kalaivani | Goddess of Saraswathi |
Kalaka | Blue, Pupil of he eye |
Kalakanya | Daughter of time, Daughter of death |
Kalakarni | Black eared, a Yogini |
Kalamali | Dispelling darkness, splendid |
Kalandhika | Bestower Of Art |
Kalanjari | Dwelling in the kalanjari mountain, Another name for parvati |
Kalapi | Peacock, Nightingale |
Kalapini | Peacock, Night |
Kalavati | With digits, Well versed in the 64 arts |
Kalehika | Black sandalwood, An attendant of skanda |
Kali | Blackness, Night |
Kalika | Dark blue, Black, A flaw in gold |
Kalikantha | With a pleasing voice, dove |
Kalima | Blackness, Darkness |
Kalindi | Belonging to kalinda |
Kalini | Carrier of blossoms, Pulse, A daughter of surya |
Kalka | Durga, Pupil If The Eye |
Kalli | Ornament for the wrist |
Kallol | Large Waves, Gurgling Of Water |
Kallolini | Always happy, A surging stream |
Kalmasi | Having black spots, Speckled, Another name for the yamuna river |
Kalnisha | Eve of Diwali |
Kalpana | Imaginatino, Doing, Idea |
Kalpataru | A wish granting tree |
Kalpavati | Competent |
Kalpita | Imagined, Creative |
Kalya | Praise, Eulogy |
Kalyani | Beneficial, Lucky |
Kama | Beauty, Radiance |
Kamacari | Unrestrained |
Kamada | Granting Desires, A follower of Skanda |
Kamadhenu | The desire granting cow |
Kamadyu | Granter of wishes, The daughter of purumita and wite of vimada |
Kamakala | The art of love, Another name for rati |
Kamakshi | Goddess Lakshmi Or Parvati, One With Loving Eyes |
Kamaksi | With voluptuous eyes, A tantric goddess another name for durga |
Kamakya | Durga, Granter Of Wishes |
Kamala | Born of a lotus, Spring |
Kamaladevi | Lady of the lotus, The wife of king lalitaditya |
Kamalaksi | Lotus eyed, A mother in skanda retinue |
Kamalalaksmi | Laksmi of the lotus |
Kamalalaya | Abiding in a lotus, Another name for laksmi |
Kamalata | Creeper of love, Exotic |
Kamali | Full of desire, Water |
Kamalika | A small lotus |
Kamalini | A lotus plant, beatiful |
Kamana | Lotus, Beautiful |
Kamandaki | With bound desires |
Kamani | Fullness |
Kamarekha | Line of love |
Kamari | Love |
Kamasena | Warrior of love, Wife of nidhipati |
Kamayani | The mirror of love |
Kameela | Most Perfect |
Kamesvari | Consort of kamesvara, Another name for parvati and rati |
Kamika | Desired |
Kamini | Desirable |
Kamita | Desired, Wished for |
Kamitha | Desired |
Kamlesika | Variegated |
Kamna | Desire |
Kamodi | That which excites, A musical note that excites |
Kamuna | Desired, The flower |
Kamya | Beautiful, Desirable |
Kana | Girl, Maid, Eye |
Kanak | Gold |
Kanaka | Born of Sand, Another name for sita |
Kanakalata | A golden vine |
Kanakaprabha | With the lustre of gold, As bright as gold |
Kanakarekha | A line of gold, The daughter of the king of kanakapuri |
Kanakasundari | As beautiful as gold |
Kanakavali | Golden chain |
Kanakavalli | Gold |
Kanaki | A small kite |
Kanali | Sun |
Kanana | Forest, Grove |
Kanasu | Dream |
Kancanaksi | Golden eyed |
Kancapi | Connoisseur of glory, The lute of sarasvati |
Kanchan | Gold |
Kanchi | A Waistband |
Kanci | The flower of the kandali tree, A pilgrimage center in south india |
Kandara | Lute, Cave, Hollow |
Kandhara | Water barer, a cloud |
Kanduti | Sexual desire |
Kangana | A bracelet |
Kangkana | A young girl wearing bangle |
Kangsha | Desire or Want |
Kani | Girl |
Kaniamudhu | Sweet |
Kanika | Kanika |
Kanina | Youthful, The pupil of the eye |
Kanira | Grain |
Kanisa | Beautiful |
Kanishkaa | Gold thing |
Kanistha | The little finger, The youngest |
Kanita | Iris of the eye |
Kanitha | Iris Of The Eye |
Kanizah | Young Girl |
Kanjari | Musical instrument, A Bird |
Kanjri | Bird |
Kanka | Scent of the lotus |
Kankana | A Bracelet, An ornament |
Kankanika | A small bell, A tinkling ornament |
Kankavati | Possessing gold, Golden, A flollower of skanda |
Kanmani | As Precious as the Eye |
Kannika | Maiden |
Kanshika | Indian King |
Kanta | Beloved, Perfume, The earth |
Kanupriya | Beloved of krsna |
Kanushi | Beloved |
Kanya | Daughter, Maiden, The zodiac sign of virgo |
Kanyaka | The smallest, Daughter |
Kanyakumari | The internal virgin, The daughter of daksa |
Kanyala | Girl |
Kanyana | Maiden, Girl |
Kanyaratna | A gem of a girl |
Kapalamala | With a garland of skulls, An attendant of devi |
Kapalini | Consort of kapali, Another name for durga |
Kapardini | Whose hair is baried like a cowrie shell |
Kaphini | Phlegmatic, A river |
Kapi | Of Krsna, A river |
Kapila | Monkey coloured, a brown cow |
Kapili | With tawny waves, A river in modern Nowgong which is in Assam |
Kapisa | Monkey coloured, Brown, The mother of the Pisacas |
Karali | The terriable, Durga in her destructive form |
Karalika | That which tears, Sword |
Karambha | Mixed, Fennel |
Karaviri | Strong armed, A good cow, The Oleander flower |
Kareena | Pure, Innocent, Female Friend |
Karika | A collection of verses on philosophy |
Karisha | A Miracle |
Karishma | Miracle |
Karisma | Miracle |
Karkari | A lute |
Karla | Feminine Form Of Karl |
Karmistha | Extremely Diligent |
Karni | With ears, A good listener |
Karnika | Creeper, heart of a lotus |
Karpani | Gladness |
Karpuratilaka | One who applies camphor on the forehead, Another name for Jaya |
Karsna | Black, Belonging to the dark half of the month |
Karthika | nakshatra,Love and Affection |
Karuna | Compassion, Tenderness, Mercy |
KarungKulali | With Beautiful Black Hair |
Karunya | Merciful |
Karuvili | With Beautiful Black Eyes |
Karvari | Variegated, Tigress, Another name for durga |
Kasak | Khusboo |
Kaseru | Backbone, The root of the grass |
Kashi | Varanasi, The Holy City |
Kashika | The Shiny One |
Kashish | Attraction |
Kashmira | From Kashmir |
Kashvi | Shining |
Kasi | Shining, Splendid |
Kasturi | Scented with musk |
Kasu | Spear, Lance, Light |
Kasvi | Shining, Beautiful |
Kathyayini | Goddess of Power |
Katrina | Variant Of Katherine Pure |
Kaushalya | Mother Of Rama |
Kaushika | Silk |
Kaushiki | Durga, Enveloped With Silk |
Kaustubhi | Stone In Lord Vishnu's Necklace Kaustubh |
Kautirya | Durga, One Who Resides In A Hut |
Kavana | Poem |
Kavika | Poetess |
KaviKuyil | Sweet Voiced like Kuyil |
Kavini | Beautiful |
Kavishri | Goddess Lakshmi |
Kavita | A Poem |
Kavyashree | Poetry Having 18 Good Characters |
Kaya | This is a dark purple flower |
KayalVili | With Beautiful Eyes resembling a Fish |
Kayra | Unique |
Keertana | Song |
Keesha | Immense Joy |
Kelvy | Education |
Kenisha | Beautiful Life |
Kesari | Saffron, A Lion |
Keshi | A Woman With Beautiful Hair |
Keshori | Young Damsel |
Keshvi | Long Beautiful Hair |
Ketana | Home |
Keva | Lotus |
Keyuri | Armlet |
Khairiya | Charitable, Good |
Khushali | Spreading Happiness |
Khushi | Smile |
Khwaish | Desire |
Khyathi | Fame |
Kilimoli | With Pleasant Voice like a Kili |
Kimaya | Divine |
Kimpuri | Ornamental ring |
Kinjal | River Bank |
Kiran | Ray Of Light |
Kiranmayi | Full Of Rays |
Kiranya | Money |
Kirishika | Have love and kindness |
Kirtana | A Song In Praise Of God |
Kirthi | Fame |
Kirtika | Famous Action |
Kishori | A Young Girl |
Kiva | Lotus |
Knyashia | Princess |
KodiMalar | Flower on a Vine |
Kohana | Swift (Sioux) |
Kokila | Cuckoo, Nightingale |
Komakal | Princess |
Komal | Tender |
Kondrai | Golden yellow flowers from a large tree |
KonguMagal | Girl from Kongu Naadu |
Kopal | A Rose Bud (gulab ki kali) |
Kosha | Origin, Name of river |
Kosika | A river name |
Koumudi | Full Moon |
Koyal | A bird |
Kranti | Revolution |
Krima | Like Cream |
Kripi | Beautiful |
Krisha | Divine |
Krishika | Grower, Prosperity |
Krishti | Culture, mostly referring to the rich Indian culture, Sanstriki |
Krisla | its the name of Lord Krishna's sister subhadra |
Krithika | Name Of A Star |
Krithinidhi | Fame and wealth |
Krithya | Action |
Kritika | Well Starredm, A Star, Hindi Name For Pladeus, From The Nakshatra Kritika |
Kriya | Performance |
Krshnavi | The thing which is sweetest to lord krishna |
Krupa | Grace, Favour |
Krupali | Who Always Forgives |
Krushi | Hard work |
Krushika | Hard worker to reach goal |
Kruthi | Novel |
Kruthika | Name Of A Star |
Kruti | Creation |
Ksema | Safety, Security, Welfare, Tranquillity |
Kshama | Forgiveness |
Kshanika | Momentary |
Kshema | Goddess Durga |
Kshipra | Name Of A River In India |
Kshirin | Flower |
Kshirsa | Goddess Laxmi |
Kuhu | Cuckoo Bird Sings Kuhu Kuhu |
Kullai | Thulasi |
Kumkum | Vermilion |
Kumud | A Lotus |
Kumudha | Beautiful like the Kumudham Flower |
KumudhaMalar | Name of a Beautiful Flower |
Kumudhini | Beautiful and Sweet |
Kumudini | A Lotus |
Kundanika | Golden Girl |
Kundini | An Assemblage Of Jasmines |
Kunika | Flower |
Kunjal | Cuckoo, Nightingale |
Kunjana | Forest Girl |
Kunti | The Mother Of The Pandavas |
Kuralarasi | With Sweet Voice |
Kurinji | Name of a Unique Flower that blooms every twelve years |
Kushala | Safe, Happy, Expert |
Kusuma | Flower |
Kusumita | Blossomed, Flowers In Bloom |
Kuvalai | Name of a Beautiful Flower |
Kuyili | Sweet Voiced like a Kuyil (Cuckoo) |
Kuyilisai | Sweet Voice of the Kuyil |
Kyathi | Fame |
Kyvalya | God Name, Heaven |