Hindu Baby Girl Names Starting With V | Unique Modern Indian Names

Hindu Baby girl names starting with "V" (Unique Indian Baby Names), provides modern hindu baby names for girls and top trending indian names with starting letter "V". Type your "starting letter" or "meaning" in the search box to get filtered answers. As name plays a vital role in everyone's life it is important to select the right name for your child. Let's ekname.

Names In Alphabetical Order


Hindu Baby Girl Names With "V"

Vaagai Name of a Beautiful Flower
Vaagdevi Goddess of learning, Saraswathi
Vaahila Name Of Air
Vaanadhi Milky Way
Vaani Speech
Vaanya Hindu female deity of forests
Vaasuki Learned
Vadivu Beautiful
Vadivukarasi Queen of Beauty
Vadrmati With Visnu
Vagadevi Goddess of speech, Another name for sarasvati
Vagishwari Goddess Saraswati
Vahini Army, Body of force
Vahnisvari Goddess of fire, Another name for laksmi
Vaibavi Landlord, Rich Person
Vaiga Goddess Parvathi
Vaijayanti Gift of victory, Flag, Banner
Vaikuntha Without hindrance, Abode of the absolute
Vainavi Of venu, Gold from the venu river
Vaini Sharp
Vairagi Free from passions, A ragini
Vairam As Beautiful as a Diamond
Vaisali The great, Princess of viasala
Vaishali An ancient city of India
Vaishanavi Worshipper Of Lord Vishnu
Vaisnavi Worshiper of visnu, The Sakti of visnu
Vaitarani Crossing over the world, On who helps in crossing over the world
Vaivasvati Belonging to the sun, Another name for the yamuna river
Vajra Diamond
Vajrakali Black goddess of lightning
Vajramala With a diamond necklace, A gandharvi
Vajravala Stern maiden, A maiden with diamonds
Vajravalli Valuable vine, Sunflower
Vaksani Strengthening
Vakti Speech
Vakula Flower
ValarPirai Moon in Ascension, Encouraging
Valaya Coiled, Bracelet, Armlet, Ring
Valini Tailed, The constellation Asvini
Vallari Cluster of blossoms, Creeper
Valli Benevolence, bangles
Vallika Creeper
Vama Woman
Vamakshi Beautiful Eyes
Vamaksi Fair eyed
Vamanika Dwarfish, Small
Vamika Situated on the left, Consort of vama
Vamil Beautiful
Vamsee Flute of sri Krishna
Vamshika Flute
Vanajakshi Forest queen
Vanalaksmi Ornament of the forest, Fortune of the forest
Vanalata Creeper of the forest, Vine
Vanalika Sunflower
Vanamala Garland of the forest, Flower braid
Vanampadi Melodious, Nightingale Bird
Vanani Forest
Vanappu Prosperous
Vanapuspa Flower of the forest, Wild flower
Vanaspati Protector of the forest, Plants, Trees
Vanca Wish, Desire
Vandana Praise, Worship, Adoration
Vandita Praised, Worshiped
Vandya Praiseworthy, Adorable
Vaneesha Queen Of The Universe
Vani Speech, Praise, Sweet in voice
Vanie Goddess Saraswati
Vanini Soft Spoken
Vanishri Goddess Saraswati
Vanisri Divine speech
Vanita Wish for, Desired, Loved, Woman
Vanitha Lady
Vanksu Arm, A tributary of the ganga
Vanmala Wildflower Garland
Vanmathi Highly knowledge
Vanmayi Goddess Saraswati
Vanmoli Word of God
VannaKili Beautiful
VannaMayil As Beautiful as the Peacock (Peahen)
Vansa Offspring, Daughter, Lineage
Vanshi Flute
Vanshika Flute
Vanshita Enchanting
Vansi Flute, Pipe, Artery
Vansika Flute
Varada Goddess Lakshmi
Varalakshmi Another name for Goddess Lakshmi
Varali Moon
Varana Surrounding, Enclosing, Rampart
Varangana Beautiful
Varangi Having a beautiful body
Varaprada Granting wishes, A yogini
Varasya Request, Wish, Desire
Varenya Desirable, Saffron
Vari Rich of gifts, Goddess of speech, Water
Varisa The rainy season
Varnika Of fine colour, Fine gold, The purity of gold
Varsa Rain, The rainy season
Varsha Rain
Varshana Birth Place Of Radha
Varshika A Goddess Name
Vartika Lamp
Varunani Goddess of water, Wife of varuna
Varunavi Water born, Another name for laksmi
Varuni Of water, Resembling, Water, Wine
Varunya Goddess Durga
Varutri Protectress, A tutelary goddess
Vasana Fancy, Idea, Desire
Vasantalata The vine of spring
Vasanthi Of Spring
Vasanti Of the spring season, Vernal, Light yellow
Vasavi Daughter of the all pervading
Vashita One who hypnotises by her virtues
Vashnie Beloved Blessing
Vastu Dawn, Morning
Vasuda Granting wealth, Another name for the earth
Vasudha The Earth
Vasudhara Bearing wealth, A river
Vasugi King of Snakes
Vasulakshmi Goddess of wealth
Vasumathi Golden Moon
Vasumati Possessing treasure, Another name for the earth
Vasundhara Abode of wealth, Containing wealth
Vasuprabha Divine light, One of the 7 tongues of fire
Vasvi The divine night
Vati Nature
Vatsa Calf, Daughter, Breast
Vatsala Child loving, Affectionate, Tender
Vayodha Strengthening, Invigorating
Vayshali Name of the city in India
Vedabha Obtained from knowledge, A magic charm which brings jewels from the sky
Vedana Knowledge, Pain
Vedangi A part of Vedas
Vedanshi A Part Of Veda
Vedanta It's similar in meaning to Vedanta
Vedanti Knower Of The Vedas
Vedasmrta Remembrance of the scriptures
Vedavati Familiar with the vedas, An Apsara
Vedha Pious
Vedhika Full of knowledge
Vedika A seal ring, Making known, Restoring to consciosness
Vedini Knowing, Feeling, A river
Vedya Knowledge
Veena A Musical Instrument
VeeraMagal Brave Girl
VeeraMangai Brave Girl
Veerammal Brave Girl
Velli Silver (in kannada/Tamil)
Velvili Piercing Eyes
Vena Yearning, Longing, To move
Venika Holy River
Venisha Dedicated
Venmugil White Cloud
Vennila Brilliant White Moon
VenTamarai White Lotus Flower
Venuka Flute
Venya To be loved, Desirable
Vernica Colourful
Vertika Lamp
Vetali Goddess Durga
VetriChelvi Successful Girl
VetriKodi Successful
Vibha Light, Lustre, Splendour
Vibhusa Ornament, Light
Vibhuti Expansion, Fortune, Plenty
Vibusha Bright
Vicitra Strange, Variegated, Wonderful
Vidhi Goddess Of Destiny
Vidhita Goddess of Mexico
Vidipita Illuminated, Bright
Vidisha A River
Vidita Known, Understood, Perceived
Vidiyal Dawn
Vidula Wise, Intelligent
Vidvathi Scholar
Vidya Knowledge, Learning, Science
Vidyagauri Goddess of knowledge
Vidyavati Learned, An apsara
Vidyuta Lightning, A flashing thunderbolt, The dawn
Viha Heaven
Vihana Early Morning
Vijaita Winner
Vijayashree Glory of victory, The goddess of victory
Vikasni Goddess Lakshmi
Vimla Clean
Vimudha Goddess Lakshmi
Vinamra Modest
Vinanti Prayer, Request
Vindhuja Knowledge
Vineela Black Sky
Vineeta Humble
Vini Rukmani
Vinitha Requester
Vipanchi Lute
Virangana Brave Lady, Rani Laxmibai
Viri Flower
Vishaka Stars
Vishala Wide, Spacious
Vishalya Painless
Visheta Self control (having complete control on all the senses)
Vismita Wonderment, Amazement
Viti Light
Vividha Strange
Vivika Different
Viyadevi Goddess of learning
Vriddhi Growth
Vrishti Rain
Vritee Nature, Behaviour
Vritti Nature, Behaviour
Vruddhi Growth
Vrusti Heavy Rain
Vyoma Who Lives N Sky ( Bird)

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